Bridge digital

The bridge to digital: Overcome your information management challenges for a digital future

Position your organization for success in an era of advanced technology and rapid growth

As organizations transition from paper records and traditional processes to fully digital environments driven by AI, the evolving management of physical and digital information is a top priority.

As an information management leader, you are being challenged to:

  • Clean up paper and other physical records
  • Make information accessible via strategic digitization
  • Get control of digital information and data

The path to an optimized digital future might be more attainable than you think.

Explore the resources below to start your journey.

Where is your organization facing its biggest challenges?

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Bill Morey, Head of Information Governance, Legal Operations at Oracle in Iron Mountain’s Education Series, The flip side of retention

Challenge 1

Clean up paper

With the rise of digital transformation and AI, organizations are prioritizing records cleanup to make defensible decisions, reduce cost, mitigate risk, and build a clear roadmap to the future.

But stakeholder buy-in, missing record codes, unknown content, and commingled files can complicate this process and put your paper records cleanup program on hold.

If you are currently challenged with clearing the clutter and extracting true value from your physical records, here are some resources to get you started:

Is paper cleanup your current challenge?
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Challenge 2

Make information accessible

Scanning all your records without considering valid reasons leads to increased cost and cyber risk, content clutter for AI modeling, and an abundance of work around guaranteeing accuracy and authenticity. A better approach is to define information value and identify the most relevant records to digitize.

If your organization needs to adapt retention schedules, discover valuable information hidden in physical records, or manage large scanning projects, explore these resources:

Amy Sheaves, Head of Global Operations Transformation & Solution Strategy in Iron Mountain’s Education Series, The flip side of retention

digitize 1
Struggling with what to digitize?
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Chantel Johnson, VP and Chief Data Officer at Bank of China in Iron Mountain’s Education Series, Digital detox: Practical ways to clean up ROT

Challenge 3

Get control of data

Organizations worldwide are grappling with exponential data growth, creating even greater volume issues than they did with paper records.

Addressing your program’s data hygiene complexities can be difficult and includes classifying redundant, obsolete, and trivial data (ROT), understanding your data supply chain, and readying data for use in AI. This process can begin as far back as your physical records cleanup. After all, clean paper records = cleaner digital data.

Here are some helpful resources if you’re ready to get control of your data:

Resources for data cleanup

From hidden potential to the power of AI: Prepare your information for the future

How records and information management (RIM) leaders are uniquely positioned to navigate their organizations through the new age of data-driven information management.

Out with the old: 5 reasons to begin the new year by cleaning out your data

In many organizations, only 15% of the stored data is actually valuable. Much or the rest is redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT). While most organizations have retention policies that mandate defensible deletion of this ROT, policies often go unenforced. If this is happening at your organization, this paper offers five reasons to spend some time cleaning up your files, as well as tips for helping your efforts succeed.

Data first: The critical foundation for your GenAI Launchpad

Generative AI has opened up new frontiers in how the government executes its mission, but GenAI is only as good as the data that powers it. How strong is your data foundation?

Electronic Content Classification Service

At Iron Mountain, our Electronic Content Classification and Data Remediation service leverages a range of platforms for classifying and remediating both structured and unstructured data stored on-premise, in the cloud or in hybrid environments.

Iron Mountain InSight Digital Experience Platform

Access information from a unified, automated, secure platform

Digital detox: Practical ways to clean up ROT

Surges in data volume are front and center for today’s information managers. Redundant, obsolete, and trivial (ROT) data increases your risk exposure and devalues your digital assets. Experts from our recent 2024 Education Series session share practical advice for your next data cleanup project.

Clean Start
Are you considering a data cleanup project?
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